
Showing posts from November, 2022

Psilocybin Mushrooms and the Field of Nursing

"As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." Today's topic is the expanding field of Psychedelics in health care. Long before Timothy Leary, a renowned psychologist, uttered the famous quote, "Tune in, turn on, and drop out, " Indigenous people had been using Magic Mushrooms, or Psilocybin mushrooms, for thousands of years. It was and still is a rite of passage in many cultures that still exist today. Magic mushrooms are celebrated for their divine-like associated experiences upon ingestion.    The laws that have railroaded the research of various psychedelic compounds have been removed in recent years. Allowing scientists to trail-blaze exploring the medicinal and mind-expanding physical and psychological benefits involves the multiple combinations that exist in nature and as synthetic analogs ( LSD #25 Rye of argot).       Man

Eyes on the prize

Today, I want to take a different approach to my blog post. No recipes, no job descriptions. Instead, I want to pause and reflect on the journey I've embarked on nearly 10 years ago. It's a milestone that coincides with my upcoming graduation from college. Over the years, I've undergone significant personal growth, which has played a crucial role in shaping the person I am today. I've learned to approach things more seriously, realizing the weight of responsibility. This mindset shift is particularly evident when I prepare for exams, fully recognizing that I'm personally financing my education. In fact, this semester alone, I had to take out a $12,000 personal loan to cover the costs. There are days when I face tough choices, such as deciding between going to work to pay my bills or prioritizing my grades and success in nursing school. Making these problematic decisions has shaped my perspective and reinforced my commitment to taking things seriously. However, this