
Showing posts from May, 2023

Where do we draw the line between being hard on ourselves and appreciating our accomplishments within reason?

I am sometimes mistaken for possessing titles that exceed my station in life. At School, I have been mistaken for a professor; at work, I am often mistaken for a doctor. Ordinarily, these chance encounters would flatter me, but as of late, halfway through my 35th year on this rock, I feel shame. Shame for not having more to show for myself at this point in life. Sure, I carry myself with professionalism and charisma, but I often feel hollow inside. Funny enough, I thought I was alone in feeling this way when I came to discover that the very professions and accomplishments I am mistaken for possessing very often, this person feels the same: shame and lack of fulfillment. It then inspired me to propose a question to my friends to gain their insight and opinion:  Me: "Where do we draw the line between being hard on ourselves and appreciating our accomplishments within reason?  Because it seems like since we're aware of time and its passing, we tend to measure our accomplishments